Handling of Personal Information
Toyo Kanetsu Logistic Solutions believes it is our social responsibility to protect personally identifiable information (hereinafter, "personal information") such as name and address provided to us by customers.
This website (https://www.tksl.co.jp/) protects personal information according to the following.
The scope of personal information is that which is related to information provided via this website.
We do not take any responsibility for the use of personal information submitted via websites linked to this website.
Use of Personal Information
Personal information provided to us from customers is used soley for the purpose of responding to inquiries, improving products or services, and for notifications, etc.
Toyo Kanetsu Logistics Solutions will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the above.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
TKSL does not and will not share any personal information with third parties. The only exception to the above is in the case of legal requirement.
Management of Personal Data
We take appropriate measures to prevent the leakage or exposure of personal information provided to us by customers.
The Company may revise this content as necessary in keeping with applicable law and regulation.